Pure Water Mini Classic CT Water Distiller Bundle with 2 Post Filters and Descaler
Pure Water Mini Classic CT Water Distiller Bundle with 2 Post Filters and Descaler
Mini Classic CT Water Distiller Bundle # 46998B with a small Lumen Cleaner - a compact, countertop and portable home water distiller with a removable boiling chamber that allows for easy filling and cleaning. Just plug in - no assembly or installation required. Use as a home water distiller or take along to a vacation home or in a RV. Easy cleaning with the small container of Lumen descaler included with the bundle. Distill approximately 3 liters every 3-4 hours. Made in the USA by Pure & Secure (Pure Water, Inc.). The Mini Classic CT water distiller is manufactured with top-quality, stainless steel and comes equipped with a unique timer to stop automatically at the end of each distilling cycle. The unit has continuous self-sterilization when in operation. A safety shutoff switch turns the unit off should it ever overheat. Vents allow the organic and inorganic compounds to escape. A carbon post filter is included to aid in the removal of any gaseous carryover and to improve taste. The filter pillow is housed in a stainless steel filter cup, so your distilled water never comes into contact with plastic! The Mini-Classic CT comes with a glass one-gallon, collection jar that includes pour-top lid.
Care Instructions
Care Instructions
Taking care of your distiller involves showing love to it by replacing filters regularly and cleaning the boiling chamber.
Check Out Our Video on Maintaining the Boiling Tank of A Water Distiller