What is Fracking?
There are a variety of opinions on What is “Fracking” and how it works. In this report from Duke University fracking is explained:
Frank discusses harmful drinking water and how the goverment standards allow for harmful drinking water:
An answer to correct fracking contaminated drinking water, as well as other concerns such as sewage contamiated water,salt water, sea water, ocean water is to distill the water using a steam water distiller.
Do not expect or wait for other entities to care for you or your families health more than you do.
Do not gamble with the validity and integrity of any reportd – do grab a hold of your responsibilities now and protect your family with the purest, healthiest water possible. You will never regret doing that.
Contact us at www.WaterDistillers.com for any questions you have on these subjects.
Contact us if you have further questions about this subject and how it may affect your water source.